Day Passes ON SALE!
The Rolling Tailgate Party to Meeting of the Minds
Mexico Meltdown 5
Registration is OPEN!
Don’t forget to sign up for the Early Warm Up Days!
New Singles available Everywhere!
Create a PLAYLIST on your favorite streaming app or REQUEST ’em – here’s some great links:
Radio Margaritaville (request) – Facebook
No Shoes Radio contact@noshoesradio.com Facebook
Radio Trop Rock (request) – Facebook
Beach Radio – BeachRadioStation@yahoo.com – Facebook
Palapa Mac Radio – dj@palapamacradio.com Facebook
Palm Tree Radio – palmtreeradio@gmail.com Facebook
Radio A1A (request – blue button) – Facebook
Tiki Man Radio – tikimanradio@gmail.com – Facebook
Shore Life Radio – shoreliferadio@gmail.com – Facebook
Songwriters Island Radio (contact) – Facebook
TikiPod Radio (request) – Facebook
Beachfront Radio (scroll down, a lot) – Facebook
Radio SPF (request) – Facebook
Radio Free Outer Banks (contact) – Facebook
Sandcastle Radio info@sandcastleradio.org Facebook
Pyrate Radio (contact) Facebook
If you have a station we missed, let us know please!
More info on the singles and lyrics here!
Who is Donny Brewer?
Just a Texas boy living on the road. He’s not Jimmy Buffett, Bob Marley, or even Kenny Chesney, nor does he want to be. Those famous guys make wonderful music, but the difference is, they probably won’t have a drink with you or throw you into to their lyrics at your friend’s backyard show. And they certainly won’t invite you on their bus to sing on an album or share a catamaran with you and maybe write some songs. But Donny will. Why? Because while he may win awards and tour the world, he’s just a super fan like you. He may love Trop Rock and Drinking Songs, but he loves any kind of music, as long as he can share it with his friends, his family, . . . his zimzalas . . . all over the world, in tropical places and big ol’ stages and back yards, with a cold skinny beer or a rum and somethin’, because a songwriter’s life is like a fishbowl margarita – ya need someone to share it with. More bio here…